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GRassroots Advocacy

Grassroots advocacy is about strength in numbers — and using those numbers to influence public opinion and action. Amber Integrated has helped organizations utilize the Internet and social media to bring their issue to the forefront of legislators' agendas.



Navigating the Political Environment

Amber Integrated came together with the idea of greater knowledge of the process will help every client. Our team's ability to help your organization navigate the political environment is vital when determining a path forward.

Creating a grassroots operation

Our team will create a top-notch grassroots operation, everything from a concept mission statement, choosing a technology platform, crafting messages for testing to keeping advocates engaged.

Online Advocacy

The last decade has seen the most remarkable transformation in advocacy, with the Internet and social media truly changing how the game is played. Constituent communication is easier than ever; almost every legislator at any government level commonly uses Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms to speak with their constituents; make sure you are a part of that conversation.

Legislator contacts

Messages from "real-world' experts, their constituents, are the most compelling in influencing policymakers. Make sure your lobbing effort is supported with constituent voices. We will identify citizens, educate them about the issue, and mobilize them to take action to influence legislative outcomes.